Thursday, October 29, 2009


I killed Peter today. Which turned out to be an adventure!
Growing up we did not celebrate Halloween, I still don't and am working on talking my husband out of it as well. Therefore I have never carved a pumpkin.
I did grow pumpkins one year. I convinced my dad to let me plant a couple pumpkin seeds in the yard when I was 5 or 6. He figured they wouldn't grow so he agreed. They did grow...and grow...and grow. They over took our backyard with their vines. A little info about my dad, when he mows he mows. It does not matter what is in the yard, small trees, toys, flowers, if its in the yard it will get mowed down! (One time he mowed over my brothers Arbor Day Tree) I begged and cried for him not to mow over my pumpkins! Being that my big brown eyes can melt his heard in a matter of seconds, every time he mowed he would carefully move the vines around and mow under them. I believe there were 3 pumpkins that came from that adventure nice large pumpkins. I don't remember actually gutting the pumpkins but we did make pie.

I said ALL that to tell you this, I did not go into this knowing/remembering what the inside of a pumpkin looked like...or smelled like...or felt like! I have texture issues. I can't stand for my hands to be dirty, I constantly clean them and can not handle grime at all. We don't have hamburgers or meatloaf at our house because I can't stand the texture to make them. There is also food texture issues but we won't even start on that.

Okay now I really said all that to say this: Pumpkins on the inside are icky! and I would have liked a warning :D

He's in the oven right now and I have cleaned all the seeds and will work on them soon too.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I'm proud of you Katybeth.